CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 3.9.1We are glad to release Apache APISIX 3.9.1 with a bug fix to improve user experiences.
PluginImplementing the Idempotency-Key specification on Apache APISIXLast week, I wrote an analysis of the IETF Idempotency-Key specification. The specification aims to avoid duplicated requests. In short, the idea is for the client to send a unique key along with the request:If the server doesn't know the key, it proceeds as usual and then stores the responseIf the server knows the key, it short-circuits any further processing and immediately returns the stored responseThis post shows how to implement it with Apache APISIX.
EcosystemHow to build APISIX in SLES 15By reading this article you will learn how to build Apache APISIX SLES 15 from source code. The build process will be done in the SLE BCI 15 SP5 Base Container
CommunityFixing duplicate API requestsThe first rule of distributed systems is "Don’t distribute your system". Designing distributed systems right is infamously hard for multiple reasons.
CommunityMonthly Report (March 01 - March 31)We have recently made some additions and improvements to specific features within Apache APISIX. For detailed information, please read the monthly report.
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 3.9.0We are glad to present Apache APISIX 3.9.0 with exciting new features, bug fixes, and other improvements to user experiences.
CommunityApache APISIX North America TourOnce in a while, I write non-technical blog posts when I've something worth sharing. Today, I'd like to write about my North America "Tour" across several conferences and user groups.
CommunityMonthly Report (January 29 - February 29)We have recently made some additions and improvements to specific features within Apache APISIX. For detailed information, please read the monthly report.
EcosystemSecure your API with these 16 Practices with Apache APISIX - part 2Last week, we listed 16 practices to help secure one's APIs and described how to implement them with Apache APISIX. This week, we will look at the remaining practices.