PluginsRate Limit Your APIs With Apache APISIXIn this article, we will look at examples of how we can use the rate limiting plugins in APISIX.
CommunityBiweekly Report (July 17 - July 30)We have recently fixed or improved some features of Apache APISIX, including fixing lua-resty-jwt security issues, disallowing the simultaneous configuration of allowlist and denylist in ua-restriction, fixing the configuration of the google-cloud-logging plugin, and allowing the sending of headers upstream returned by OPA server. For more details, please read this biweekly report.
EcosystemApache APISIX without etcdWhile a great database, etcd is not devoid of issues. In this post, I'll show how you can use Apache APISIX with MySQL.
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 3.2.2We are pleased to present Apache APISIX 3.2.2 with a list of fixes and optimizations.
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 3.4.1We are pleased to present Apache APISIX 3.4.1 with a security patch for JWT.
PluginsCreating a Custom Data Mask PluginCreating a custom plugin for APISIX in Lua might be trivial or daunting, depending on your level of expertise in APISIX+OpenResty+Nginx. In this article, we will look at how you can create and run a c...
CommunityBiweekly Report (July 03 - July 16)We have recently fixed and improved some features of Apache APISIX, including updates to the mock plugin which now supports adding headers, resolution of an error in the limit-count plugin when using ...
CommunityAccelerating API Gateway Excellence: Apache APISIX Community Meetup in MalaysiaKuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, witnessed the success of the 2023 APISIX open-source Community Meetup on July 4th.
EcosystemHow to Use Vault to Manage Certificates in APISIXThis article takes configuring HTTPS communication between the downstream client and APISIX as an example to introduce how APISIX integrates Vault to implement SSL certificate management.